Monday, November 29, 2010

What are your expectations when you pray? Romans 1:9-10

Hello everyone,
Well back to Mobile for another couple of weeks and then it looks as though I'll be able to finish up my year working on a case in L.A.  As I traveled today, I thought about several possible devotionals and ended up with this question:  What are your expectations when you pray?  In Romans 1:9-10, Paul writes, 'God knows how often I pray for you.  Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by telling others the Good News about His Son.  One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing,  to come at last to see you.'  If we pray and don't expect our prayers will be answered in His name, what is the purpose?  Thank God and pray with expectations that He will answer according to His will!  In  Genesis 18:33, God showed Abraham that asking for anything is allowed, with the understanding that God's answers come from God's perspective.  Just like the potter continually forms his clay, God may be molding you into a priceless vessel.  That takes time!!  Are any of you in a crisis?  I can think of several of you that are and you aren't sure what God has in store!  Sleep does not come easily during a crisis.  Psalm 3:5 lets us know that David could of had sleepless nights when his son Absalom rebelled and gathered an army to kill him.  But he slept peacefully, even during the rebellion.  What made the difference?  David cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him.  The assurance of answered prayer brings peace.  It is easier to sleep well when we have full assurance that God is in control of circumstances.  If you are lying awake at night worrying about circumstances you can't change, pour out your heart to God, and thank Him that He is in control.  Then sleep will come.  One of the problems we seem to create is when we give God our problem that we are faced with, we then have a tendency to take it back!  Why?  Why do we cling on to our dilemma instead of clinging to the 'Solution'?  Once you release your concern, remember to praise Him at that very moment.  Praising God changes your whole makeup and keeps your eyes and heart on Him instead of falling back into the trap!
Your brother in Christ,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Don't let Blessings lead you to forgetting Him! Nehemiah 9:35

Good morning everyone,
Well it seems as though I just got home and before I know it, I'll be back on the road to finish the year out!  It is extremely taxing this time of year because I don't really get to stop to count my Blessings!  I'm reminded quite regularly that I have so much to be thankful for and how Blessed I am to be grounded in the Word!  Also let this devotional be a reminder to not let our Blessings be a determent from remembering our Savior!  'Even while they had their own kingdom, they did not serve You even though You showered Your goodness on them.  You gave them a large, fertile land, but they refused to turn from their wickedness.'  So from this reading let me make a couple of suggestions for all of us to consider as we try and please Him!  Praise Him for 'Everything' no matter what it is and stay grounded when a material possession comes into your life.  Unless it is a Spiritual Blessing, all physical things will cease to exist at some point.  They really are only for a season!!  James 2:2-4 says, 'For instance, suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in shabby clothes.  If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person, but you say to the poor one, "You can stand over there, or else sit on the floor"---well, doesn't this discrimination show that you are guided by wrong motives?'  If you have many possessions but you forget that they were given to you so that you can Bless others, you too can fall into that terrible trap!  If we judge a book by its cover and not by its content, we will be no better than those that hung our Savior on the cross!  After all, Godly content of the heart is what our Savior wants us to build so that our hearts becomes so full that we give that to others!  That is Godly character and Godly character is more important than any accomplishment that you can achieve in this life!  May God richly Bless you as you prepare for the Lords Day tomorrow!
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving! A time to spend with loved ones! Philippians 4:6

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all,
If you were to ask me a question about which Holiday I now like better; I would have to say Thanksgiving!  Why?  Because we have not turned that day into a circus like we have Christmas.  It seems as though people start decorating for Christmas now in the summer time.  And the focus is really not on the 'Birth of our Savior', but more on the marketing ploys of all the retailers to get you to buy there stuff for your loved ones!  The gifts have become more important than the 'Giver Himself!'  Christ came into the world so that all could have life and life abundantly!  Let us use Thanksgiving day this year to jump start a new tradition in your family!  Share with your family what you are truly thankful for and more importantly share with your Father and pray for Him to give you a 'new heart!'  Philippians 4:4-5 says, 'Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again---rejoice!  Let everyone see that you are considerate     in all you do.  Remember, the Lord is coming soon!'  
From a retail standpoint, Thanksgiving and Christmas have been swallowed up together!  Since that is the case, lets begin to use Philippians 4:6 as our motto to live by:  'Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. 
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You are Loved beyond measure!!! Matthew 11:28

Good morning everyone,
I would like to start out this morning by saying thank you to all of you for making  me feel special!!!  I had the distinct privilege to meet 3 new people yesterday that I feel instantly became my friends.  I was standing outside my hotel talking with a co-worker admiring the rain when we both noticed a truck and trailer pull into the lot.  It was the show car for Interstate Battery for Nascar.  It stopped underneath the canopy and out popped Travis Sturt (the driver) so he could check in!  We exchanged introductions and in so doing, I noticed something very different with Travis.  He had a smile that stood out and it drew you to him.  Do any of you know someone like that?  He not only was the driver, but also a spokesman wherever he takes the car promoting Nascar!  More importantly, this Nascar team promotes, 'I am second'!  It is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others.  Athletes.  Actors.  Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts.  The authentic stories of people dealing with struggles of everyday living just like you and me.  Check it out and share it with others!  Pryor to that a couple (Bob and Judy) had pulled up to check in and I helped them with their luggage into the lobby.  Instantly when I told them my name, I was a hit because I have the same name as their son!  Later on, I saw the three talking in the lobby and I joined their conversation.  In so doing I realized that a church service was happening right in our presence.  "Where two and more are gathered in My name (Matt. 18:20), I am there among them."  The Love of Christ engulfed that lobby and I noticed some amazing things happen.  When the Holy Spirit is present, he restores tired souls!  All three of them had been traveling all day and I had just come in from a long day at the hospital.  It was as if God gave us a full nights rest without ever going to sleep!  Wow!  Go out today and Bless someones socks off by Loving them like Christ would!  You will be blown away with what may happen!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Why does God allow all this trouble? Deut 6:10-12; Hebrews 12:1-4; Psalm 23; 2 Cor. 12:8-10

Good morning everyone,
I heard the most remarkable sermon yesterday and I would like to say thank you in advance to Brother Terry Harbin for allowing me to use his notes for the devotional today.  I had the distinct privilege of going to West Mobile Baptist Church because that is where God directed me!  Brother Terry asked these questions as he started his message:  'Is He listening and does He Care?'  'Why does God allow All this trouble?'  We live in very troubled times and there really is only one guarantee and that guarantee is Jesus Christ!!  He wants us to remember Him-Deut. 6:10-12; He wants us to learn of Him-Hebrews 12:1-4; He wants us to depend on Him-Psalm 23; He wants to demonstrate His grace-2 Cor. 12:8-10.  In every one of these 4 examples, the word Him and His are the words that stand out!  Whether times are rich or times are lean, remember Him, learn of Him, depend on Him, and His Grace (unmerited favor) will cover you completely!  Thanksgiving is approaching and this lesson taught me, with water pouring from my eyes, how Great our Savior is and how much He Loves each of us!  May each of you be thankful in the abundance that you have been given and may that be a reflection to others!  As my friend John would say, 'Don't be scared!'
Your brother in Christ,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Having an attitude of gratitude is more than just saying thank you in the good times-Job 1:10

Good morning to all,
There are many of you who might not see hope where there actually is hope!  Gratitude is seeing joy of some sort in every situation that happens throughout our lives!  Do any of you know anyone that has a strange force of joy even though they are faced with crippling and life consuming illnesses?  There once was a lady that could no longer move her arms and legs, yet she would say, "I'm just so happy I can move my neck."  When she could no longer move her neck, she would say, "I'm just so glad I can hear and see."  When asked what would happen if she lost her sound and sight, she simply said, "I'll just be so grateful that you come to visit."  When you have a heart of gratitude, you simply can defy all odds and respond in a way that will be pleasing to the Father in every situation!!  It is easy to be grateful for the good things that happen in our lives, but to be grateful for all of our lives---the good as well as the bad, the moments of joy as well as the moments of sorrow, the successes as well as the failures, the rewards as well as the rejections---that requires hard Spiritual work.  When we can say thank you to all that has brought us to the present moment, then we are truly grateful people.  And we know God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28)!  A lot of today's devotional is taken from Brennan Manning's book Ruthless Trust.  I encourage you to read anything by him because he has a way of painting such a picture that it is very easy to reach out and feel as though you are in the protrait!  My mother is probably the best living example that I know that continues to live a life of gratitude worthy of our Savior!  She has had a number of crippling illnesses and setbacks yet she continues to amaze me as she endures whatever life seems to throw at her.  And she never seems to stop praising her Savior!  Shingles, breast cancer, scoliosis, a corked spine as well as a curved spine, a grand daughter murdered, 85 plus years of wear and tear!!  She taught me the importance of prayer and to always give thanks to God, because this is what God expects you to do in Christ Jesus (1 Thess. 5:18).  As you start your day, ask God to check your heart for where you are at and ask Him to 'radically change you to be like Him'!  If we know how to respond to a world that is totally against Him, maybe it will be our heart that He uses to get through to them!
Your brother in Christ,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Obeying God-Colossians 1:10

Good morning everyone,
I attended a men's conference a couple of years ago in the mountains of California at Forrest Home and I was presented a coin (accountability) to carry in my pocket.  That coin has the verse from Colossians 1:10 ('That you may live a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God') on one side and on the other Gradior Dignus (Latin for 'walk worthy') so others may live!  A simple reminder of really why we are here on this earth!!  Everyday life presents us with decisions, decisions that can bring us closer to God...or not.  When we obey God's command, we are blessed.  But, when we turn our backs upon the Creator by disobeying Him, we bring needless suffering upon ourselves and our families.  Do you seek God's peace and His blessings?  Then obey Him.  When you are faced with a difficult choice or a powerful temptation, seek God's counsel and trust the counsel He gives.  Invite God into your heart and live according to His commandments.  When you do, you will be blessed today, tomorrow, and forever.  Although God causes all things to work together for good for His children, He still holds us accountable for our behavior.  Todays devotional taken from 'Walking with Christ everyday'!  May God richly Bless each of you as you make decisions that would be pleasing to Him!!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The lessons of tough times! Hebrews 12:11

Hello everyone and good morning,
No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful.  Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11).  The times that try your soul are also the times that build your character.  As I approach my reading time this morning, I wake up renewed and thankful that God saw fitting to reach down and grab me and not let me sink beyond His reach.  When we have too many distractions that keep us from realizing that God is trying to get our attention, I've learned a couple of things will happen.  Either we continue to go down the spiral until we reach complete poverty (Spiritually) or we reach for His hand so that He can pull us to safety.  We can flirt with the edge of the envelope all we want but doing that only leads to eventual chaos!  Everybody loves a good party but if that party is not one that praises our Savior, it really is only a disguise to a headache at the end!  Isn't it ironic that society says the more you have, the more you are set free.  In reality, the more you have, the easier it is to have other things occupy your time rather than spending those precious times with the Lord. 
In many cases there are people who have known dire economic straits, yet their trust has enabled them to step outside their grim conditions and to find joy in life, so they run against the grain (Brennan Manning-The Way of Gratefulness).  Do you know anyone like that?  I've always said I know the reason the Lord never made me financially rich:  because I would be so distracted, that I would not need Him!  Yet in contrast to what society says:  I am wealthy beyond measure because I have been assured of 'riches in Heaven'!  Shout to the Lord this morning as you arise thanking Him that you too are 'rich beyond measure'!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

God is the Giver! John 10:10

Hello everyone,
Do you know that God knows you by name?  He wants to dine with you regularly so that He can teach you how to experience life.  The more you invest in your relationship with Jesus Christ, the more you will understand the makeup of your Creator.  There is a thief whose purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.  My purpose is to give life in all its fullness (John 10:10).  Christ came to this earth so that we might experience His abundance, His love, and His gift of eternal life.  Relationships take work in order to flourish.  The closer you get to someone, the more you experience life because you can relate to their circumstances and then pray for them.  When we step away from the comforts of this life, we instantly have an opportunity to experience a greater appreciation for where we are and how we were wonderfully made.  It is very easy to fall into the trap of just putting one foot in front of another and not noticing where God has placed you and the people that He wants you to notice.  When it becomes evident that we get caught on the fast 'merry-go-round' of life, we miss the opportunities to share with others the Love of Christ.  Ask the Holy Spirit to tug your heart strings and slow you down so you can resume the path He has for you instead of the path that satan wants to steer you toward!  Think about this as a final thought for today:  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you get out of your comfort zone today and begin experiencing life as if He were coming to your house for dinner.  Living abundantly is using the tools and talents the Lord has given you to help carry out His message.  He doesn't necessarily use the people that are the richest, the ones who do the greatest things, or the most popular people:  He uses people like you and I to accomplish tasks that most people would think impossible and then we have the opportunity to share that the reason is because of Him!!!  If we always give credit where credit is due (we were lost and now we are found), then there is absolutely no limit to what He can accomplish through us!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

An Attitude of Gratitude! Numbers 11:4-6

Good morning everyone,
Are you always looking for what you don't have or you grateful for what God has given you?  Even though God provided more than enough, the Israelites forgot very quickly where to place their gratitude!  Then the foreign rabble who were traveling with the Israelites began to crave the good things of Egypt, and the people of Israel also began to complain.  "Oh, for some meat!" they exclaimed.  "We remember all the fish we used to eat for free in Egypt.  And we had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic that we wanted.  But now our appetites are gone, and day after day we have nothing to eat but this manna!"  Brennan Manning reminds us that the way of gratefulness is the foremost quality in a trusting disciple.  If you interviewed 10 people, how would you determine which one of them was telling the truth?  In his opinion and I think I'm in total agreement, he would videotape the ten people for a month and then, after watching the videos, pass judgment using this criterion:  the person with an abiding spirit of gratitude is the one who trusts God.  Gratitude is expressing to the Creator no matter what happens, 'Always be joyful.  Keep on praying.  No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.'  It is a mindset to let the Lord take over and let selfishness go by the wayside!  If you truly want to make a change, ask the Lord to change your heart!  Ask Him to remind you about all the things He has brought you through and then you will have a story to encourage others!  Life is about meeting people where they are and helping and assisting them to see that there is something so much bigger than themselves.  We are in the seed planting business and God is in the Growing business.  As you awake this morning, thank the Lord for the gift of a new day and express gratitude throughout the day!  I can guarantee that others will begin to see a change in you.  Romans 8:28 sums it up best!  And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according  to His purpose for them.  God loves each of you and so do I!  May God richly Bless you as you continue the journey that He started!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Real trust brings consistency of character! Psalm 125:1

Hello everyone,
Psalm 125:1 tells us that, 'Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever.'  Think of the Lord as never changing.  Even when our human relationships falter due to lack of trust or our relationship with the Lord falters, God never moves.  He loves us beyond measure.  Take your human feelings, multiply them exponentially into infinity, and you will have a hint of the love of God revealed by and in Jesus Christ.  With a strong affirmation of our goodness and a gentle understanding of our weakness, God is loving us---you and me---this moment, just as we are and not as we should be. There is nothing any of us can do to increase His love for us and nothing we can do to diminish it.   When we get waylaid from our walk with God by busyness, depression, family problems, or worse, God does not abandon us.  Nor, if we walk the way of trust, do we abandon God.  When we wander off the path, that trust pulls us back; and we do not flinch, hesitate, or worry about being unwelcome in the Father's arms.  No matter where we are on the journey, we have a quiet confidence that our trust in God's love gives God immense pleasure (excerpt taken from Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning).  In Mark 10:14, Jesus says, 'Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God.'  To feel secure, all children need is a loving look and gentle touch from someone who cares.  They believe us because they trust us.  Jesus said that people should trust in Him with this kind of childlike faith.  We do not have to understand all the mysteries of the universe, it should be enough to know that God loves us and provides forgiveness for our sin.  This doesn't mean that we should be childish or immature, but we should trust God with a child's simplicity and receptivity.  As you begin your day, ask the Lord to give you an unwavering trust in Him that will continue until He has completed the 'Good Work' in you!
Your brother in Christ,

Friday, November 12, 2010

What do you take joy in? Philippians 2

Good Friday morning to all,
What do you take joy in?  Throughout chapter one of Philippians, Paul talks about Joy in suffering, chapter 2 is about serving, chapter 3 is about believing, and chapter 4 is about giving!  To sum it all up, the Christian life should be about all of these.  Even though none of us sit around thinking about wanting to be beat up, we should all realize that truly 'living for Christ' may require putting on the full armour of God.  Chapter 2 begins with, 'Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ?  Any comfort from His Love?  Any fellowship together in the Spirit?  Are your hearts tender and sympathetic?  Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose.  Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.  Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing.'  Suffering for a cause greater than yourself takes humility!  Let me encourage each of you to have the same attitude as Christ and study Scripture to grasp a better understanding of how our Savior suffered and died for each of us!!!  May that be our mission in the days ahead and may you see the changes that occur within you as you are obedient to His calling!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

God is continually working on each of us! Philippians 1:6

Hello everyone and good morning,
Do you realize that God, the One who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when He meets you face to face.  I think of it as a work in progress!  When we allow Him the opportunity to work completely on an area that is in need of repair, the Master Craftsman chips away at our selfishness.  Our thankfulness overrules our complaining! When we allow the Father to rule our lives, we enable Him to mold us into the Creation that He intended for us to be!  When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, Jesus jump started our battery (heart) so that we could show Him our appreciation for all that He has done!  Our human side falls back to those things that keep us from growing in Christ so it should be a constant reminder for us to run to Him for repair (forgiveness).  In the process (our lifetime), if we place our relationship with Jesus as our #1 priority, our Spiritual life will flourish.  What once was important will soon be of little or no interest.  Do you sometimes feel as though you are not making progress in your Spiritual walk?  If we are honest, even those closest to Him, feel that way at times.  The key is staying connected!  If God starts a project, He will not stop until He has completed it!  My good friend and dear brother Jeff Zak is a 'Living Example' of realizing that He needed Jesus right where he was!  He didn't feel as though he needed to wait until the time was right and put off the decision.  He woke up one day feeling trapped and overwhelmed and realized that life was not right and he asked for prayer and 'wham'!  In a blink of an eye his life changed and he is continuing to grow Spiritually day by day and God is smiling!  So no matter where you find yourself, let God chip away at your granite so that He can Create 'His Masterpiece'!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How great is the Love of Christ? Ephesians 4:4-16

Good morning everyone,
The scriptures that we have at our fingertips are so powerful in how they apply to each of us!  Starting in Ephesians 4:4; We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future.  There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us all and living through us all.  However, He has given each one of us a special gift according to the generosity of Christ.  That is why the Scriptures say, 'When He ascended to the heights, he led a crowd of captives and gave gifts to His people.'  Notice that it says 'he ascended.'  This means that Christ first came down to the lowly world in which we live.  The same one who came down is the one who ascended higher than all the heavens, so that His rule might fill the entire universe.  He is the one who gave these gifts to the church:  the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.  Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ, until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ.  Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or because someone has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth.  Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ who is the head of His body, the church.  Under His direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly.  As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.  Each one of you receiving this blog was created by the God who I just read about from Scripture in Ephesians.  That same God Loves you and He created you so that you would go out into the world and be a 'Living Example' of that same Love to others.  May God richly Bless each of you as you trust Him to lead you on this awesome adventure!!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Are you still eating baby food or have you moved on to solid food? Hebrews 5:11:14--6:12

Good morning everyone,
Today's scripture reading refers to us becoming mature in our Christian walk.  Do you find yourself still running through the basics in your understanding, or do you feel you have moved from the comfort zone into an area where you feel that you are growing?  In order to grow from infant Christians to mature Christians, we must learn discernment.  We must train our conscience, our senses, our mind, and our body to distinguish good from evil.  Can you recognize temptation before it traps you?  Our Spiritual growth is far more important than other aspect of our walk on this earth!  I hear a lot of people say that they never feel as though God has Blessed them with any 'special knowledge'.  I beg to differ because each of us has the same opportunity to receive special knowledge which leads to maturity in your Christian walk.  Are you doing the basics which leads to growing you up in a way that is pleasing to Him?  Are you reading Scripture, spending time with the Father, and attending a church that challenges you through teaching of the Scriptures?  The more we get out of our comfort zone (not relying on milk for nourishment), the more Christ can grow in and through us!  My challenge for you today is for you to start right where you are and ask God to work with you to change you little by little and whittle away at the old you to make you a new Creation!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Does the Bible speak to you or is it just words on parchment? Hebrews 4:12-13

Good morning everyone,
Starting the week refreshed after a decent nights sleep!  More importantly, I was able to spend some incredible quality time with my wonderful wife in Tucson over the weekend.  Hard to see her leave me on Sunday evening but I feel very Blessed to have had a 3 day weekend filled with adventures!  With that said, there seems to be a letdown when our adventures end.  When there is a disconnection from those that mean the most to us, there is a sense of loss unless we have something to replace those losses.  If you don't know where to go to get recharged or refreshed, let me encourage you to go to the Word!  It is simply not a collection of words from God.  It is a vehicle for communicating ideas; it is living, life-changing, and dynamic as it works in us.  In Hebrews 4:12-13, we are told, 'For the Word of God is full of living power.  It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires.  It exposes us for what we really are.  Nothing in all creation can hide from Him.  Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes.  This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.'  When we read the Word, it is as if God reveals everything about who He is!  It is the ultimate story about Love!  The Love of the Heavenly Father for all of His children.  He created you and He desires to spend time with you so there can be fellowship and the Word is His way of revealing who is to you!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is your mission? John 20:23; Acts 20:23

Hey everyone,
Well, just what is your mission?  Does your bible have letters in 'red'?  Those being Jesus' words!  When Jesus spoke and it was recorded, He had something profound to say!  In John 20:23, He says, 'If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven.  If you refuse to forgive them, they are unforgiven."  Jesus was giving the disciples their Spirit-guided mission---to preach the Good News about Jesus so people's sins might be forgiven.  The disciples did not have the power to forgive sins (only God can forgive sins), but Jesus gave them the privilege of telling new believers that their sins have been forgiven because they have accepted Jesus' message.  All believers have this same privilege.  We can announce forgiveness of sins with certainty when we ourselves have found repentance and faith.  Don't shrink from your mission either!  In Acts 20:23, we are asked to be encouraged regardless of our efforts of presenting the gospel.  There may be extreme suffering that we encounter as we present the Gospel as Paul did.  Verse 23 says 'except that the Holy Spirit has told me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead.'  Paul knew what was in store for him, yet he never waivered in his faith!  With Christ being for you, who can stand against you?  Paul's mission was to proclaim the gospel regardless of the obstacles he faced and he knew the reward was greater than his effort; that also should be our mission!!!!  Even though we may suffer for a brief time, the reward is eternity with the Savior!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

God uses us in spite of our limitations and failures! 1Peter 2:9-10

Good morning everyone,
Do you ever feel like you get so busy doing stuff, that you miss out on where God is in the middle of what you are doing?  Do you feel as though you have limitations that keep you for doing more?  Are you in a washing machine and you find yourself in the spin cycle and you can't get out?  All of these are traps that satan puts out and it seems as though I struggle with these from time to time.  A good friend of mine reminded me recently that I need to not beat myself up when I can't get the blog out.  It seems I'll go for several days and everything seems to click.  Then I'll add several more things to my to-do list and then I become overwhelmed.  Even though I know there is a limit to what I can do physically, I still try and stick in more.  That is a formula for disaster!  Instead of completing a hugh bucket list everyday, I need to be reminded that maybe God is trying to say, 'Instead of being so busy being busy, take time to let Me show you what are the more important things and rest assured that I will assist you in getting those done even though you have limitations'.  He can use us even through our limitations and failures and it will make the whole world wonder how the mountain moved.  Instead of being frustrated with what I don't get accomplished, I need to praise Him for what I do accomplish.  Instead of focusing on the limitations, ask Him to shine through each of our situations so that the world will know that we are different.  I shouldn't base my self-worth on what I accomplish.  Instead I should focus on the fact that He wants to be involved in everything that I do so He can show the whole world who He is!!!
Your brother in Christ,