Thursday, March 31, 2011

Directions for staying connected! Be a 'shining light!' 1 John 1:3

Good morning to all,
The directions in my room to get connected to the Internet are as follows:
   (1) Plug the cable into your network jack
   (2) Turn on your laptop
   (3) Double click on your browser
           For technical assistance, please call
These directions seem fairly simple yet it has been my experience in the past that I've had difficulty with faulty equipment (usually because I don't follow directions)!  God gives us very simple directions to stay connected to Him also, yet many of us use the toll free number only in emergencies when we are in trouble and need to be bailed out.  If we plug Him (the cable) in before we have time to get distracted, then we are likely to make choices that will be pleasing to Him.  Instead of using the toll free number for emergency calls only, use it 24/7 to let Him hear all the things you are grateful for and when you praise the Lord, their will be no need for technical assistance.  Pay special attention to detail with prayer, reading the Word, meditating and then your whole posture will be a 'shining light' for others to notice.  If you are going to brag, don't brag about your successes, brag about everything that He has done and the things that He is doing in your life.  Successes are contagious if we give Him the honor and glory He deserves!  1 John 1:3 says, "We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.  And our fellowship (connection) is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ."
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

When God allows you success, don't think it is about you! 1 Peter 5:5-6

Good morning to all,
One of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn really deals with humility!  In 1 Peter 5:5-6, we are reminded that God sets himself against the proud, but He shows favor to the humble.  So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and in His good time He will honor you.  Why is it that we forget very quickly 'Who' gave us the ability to succeed?  When I thank Him first in everything that I do, the results are amazing!  Habakkuk 2:4 says, "See, the enemy is puffed up; his desires are not upright--but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness."
When we are faithful in the little things daily and if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  As you go through your day, ask the Father to keep you in the palm of His hand and help you to remain faithful in everything you do!  Watch what happens!  If I had to say one thing that has changed very dramatically in the last year of my life, I would have to say that the Lord has shown me the necessity of staying humble.  May God richly Bless each of you as you continue to seek His face!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When you do anything that honors Him, people take notice! Matthew 6:9

Good afternoon everyone,
Well the Internet is a rare commodity this week at the location I'm working at in Santa Clarita.  So I've been pushed a little on finding time to get the word out and I apologize.  The interesting thing is when you are faithful to Him, no matter what situation you are in, people stop and look.  Yeah, I know a lot of people look at you like you are crazy but most are drawn because you are seeking a power much greater than your own!  In everything you do, if you will simply give Him the credit for any good that comes out of you, you will have the opportunity to witness.  People are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired!  Have you noticed anyone lately that is struggling with issues whether they be physical, mental or Spiritual?  If so, encourage them with the Word or just simply show them some love.  In other words, stop what you are doing just long enough to listen to them.  You don't have to give any advice but maybe your listening might be the key to them pulling out of a slump!  Scripture has become my resting place!  When I seek comfort in the Word, my whole attitude changes for the better.  If you don't believe me, try it.  Some will say I don't have my Bible available during the day.  Well with modern technology and with Internet access, the Bible is available 24/7.  If you have an iPhone, I would encourage you to go on the apps program and download the free and have instant access to 3 versions of the Bible in over 50 languages.  God provides if we  will honor Him and trust Him to show us the way because He is the Way!  In the Lords Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us how we should pray.  In the very first line, He tells us to approach the Father in a hallowed way (in a honored way).  Honor Him in everything you do and people will take notice!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Seeing a thorn as being a Blessing! 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Hello everyone,
Do you ever wonder at all why many of the characters in the Bible seem to have flaws even though God used those flaws many times to show that He could still use those individuals to succeed?  Paul oftened described his own situation as having a thorn in his side.  He thanked God for his thorn so that it would be a constant reminder to him so that he would remain faithful.  All of us have weaknesses but those weaknesses can be perfected into strengths if we will allow God to use us!  Trials and tribulations are going to happen in our lives while we live on this earth, but remember they are only temporary compared to what is to come.  Paul realized that any hardship he faced now was nothing compared to spending eternity with the Father!  The thorn in our side may be just what we need in order to carry out His plan!  Instead of asking God to take away your thorn, maybe you should ask Him to let that thorn be the connection for you to carry out His work!  God allows thorns in our lives to show that His grace is sufficient.  The things in our life that drive us to prayer are good things.  If we will humbly pray, then those things that make us weak will become the things that make us strong.  Remember, the Christian life is going to cause you to rely on the One who has the answers.  The enemy of our souls wants to tell us that it is not worth 'fighting the good fight!'  As you go about each day, ask the Father to slay your biggest enemy (selfishness) so that you can be used according to His will!
Your brother in Christ,

Friday, March 25, 2011

Is there any doubt in Surety? Matthew 24:5; Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8

Hello everyone,
It is interesting that surety is defined as a sure thing, certainty or something that is certain!  Many people claim to be the real deal and ones that you can trust and count on but really from the prospective of certainty, there is only One that you can trust 100% of the time!  His name is Jesus Christ!  Luke 21:8 says, He replied:  "Watch out that you are not deceived.  For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.'  Do not follow them."  Stay grounded in the word children and stay connected to the One you can trust with every decision and He will not let you down.  If it sounds too good to be true, then most likely it is!  If someone tells you something that is contradictory to the Scripture, don't pay attention to them!  If your day is grounded in the Truth, then the Holy Spirit will identify to you what is not true.  Get your Sure directions from the One who will stear you clear of the doubt that gets you lost!  Ask the Savior to clear your mind of the uncertainty that will try and edge its way into your thinking!  
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is the stuff around you driving you crazy? Romans 8:18-22

Good morning everyone,
Stuff can be defined in a number of different ways, but here I'm referring to all the clutter in your life!  Unless you realize that God allowed that clutter, you may miss the boat with why He allowed it.  God is in the business of making lemonade out of lemons!  The more complicated things are and the more confusing things get, the more we need to trust the One who allowed it!  Why?  Because then a miraculous chain of events will take place!  His light will shine when it doesn't make sense how the situation has a chance of resolution!  God reveals things to us as He sees we are ready for answers.  Don't always expect to know the answers; just maybe He knows you are not ready for it!  Instead of getting frustrated the next time you run late, whether it be your fault or not, ask God to reveal to you how He wants you to respond.  Remember the world is looking at you under a microscope to see how you as a Christian are going to respond to life's issues!  When we respond like Jesus would, the impact can have a domino effect for the kingdom.  In other words, when we kill the enemy with kindness; when we respond with likeness of Christ, others are drawn to that type of solution.  So when we don't respond like Christ; when we respond to road rage with road rage, we respond like the world sees everyday.  Be different and show the world that your stuff is His stuff!!! 
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why do we listen to the Message if we are not willing to obey? James 2:22-25

Good morning to all,
James lays it on the line by telling us that faith is much more that just believing!  You see, he was trusting God so much that he was willing to do whatever God told him to do.  His faith was made complete by what he did-by his actions.  And so it happened just as the Scriptures say: "Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous."  He was even called "the friend of God."  So you see, we are made right with God by what we do, not by faith alone.  Rehab the prostitute is another example of this.  She was made right with God by her actions---when she hid those messengers and sent them safely away by a different road.  It is not just about lip service but more about doing!  We can hear, believe and follow the rules, but if we don't take action in Jesus' name, are we really caring out the mission of being a Christian?  This devotional is not to beat you up!  It is more of a reminder to let you know that He wouldn't have created you if He didn't believe that you were important.  That should be encouraging to you to know that while you have air coming from your lungs and blood pumping through your veins, He can still use you!  Ask Him and don't be scared about how He wants you to represent Him!  There is no one and yes that includes you that He can't use in order to accomplish whatever He wants to be accomplished! 
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is it really insomnia or is He trying to get your attention? Zechariah 7:11-13

Good morning to all,
Even by east coast standards it is early and most of you are still sleeping, but something I learned sometime ago, if the Lord wants your attention, pay attention!  A lot of us toss and turn wondering why we can't sleep and sometimes it is because we ate too late and what we ate doesn't agree with us; however, sometimes God clearly says you can lay there and be miserable or you can allow Me to spend time with you.  It sort of reminds me of the stubborn child syndrome.  No matter what advice the child is given, they want to do it their own way regardless of help being suggested!  How can you differentiate between insomnia and simply hearing His still small voice?  Mark Virkler gives us 4 keys to hearing God's voice:  (1) God's voice in your heart often sounds like a flow of spontaneous thoughts (Habakuk 2:2; 1 Kings 19:12); (2) Become still so that you can sense God's flow of thoughts and emotions within (Habakuk 2:1; Psalm 46:10); (3) As you pray, fix the eyes of your heart on Jesus, seeing in the Spirit the dreams and visions of Almighty God (Habakuk 2:1,2; Acts 2:1-4, 17); (4) Journaling, the writing out of your prayers and God's answers, brings great freedom in hearing God's voice (Habakuk 2:2; Hebrews 4:10).  Don't just chalk everything up to insomnia; instead, ask the Holy Spirit to either let you go back to sleep or ask Him to direct your next move!  You will find that you really don't need 8 hours if part of those are spent with Him!  We become exhausted from a variety of things.  The reason we don't rest very good is because we have too many things on our plate as we fall into our beds.  Ask the Holy Spirit to free your mind so whatever rest you get be the necessary amount that He sees fit!  God wants your attention!  When your whole world comes crashing down around you, do you turn to the One who cares?  Are you listening or are you turning a deaf ear?   
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, March 21, 2011

He who started a good work in you will complete it! Philippians 1:6

Hello everyone,
As you start your Monday morning, think for a moment what Philippians 1:6 is really saying!  Paul says that he is sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  He is talking about you and me!  The God who began a good work within us continues it throughout our lifetime and will finish it when we meet Him face to face.  God loves you so much that He showed it by dieing on the cross in your place!  At the moment you first believed is the point at which He began 'a good work!'  Now the Holy Spirit lives within you, enabling you to be more like Christ every day.  Why try and deal with all the issues that you face everyday by yourself?  No matter what you have on your plate, nothing and I mean nothing is too big for the One who gave His life for you!  Do you ever feel as though you've done too many things in your past to be forgiven?  Or do you feel as though you aren't making progress in your spiritual life?  When God starts a project, He completes it!  When you feel incomplete, unfinished, or distressed by your shortcomings, remember God's promise and provision.  Don't let your current position be a deterrent from knowing Christ and continuing to grow in knowing Him like He desires!  Over the last week, I've talked to individuals that have had major setbacks.  The conversations have included death of a loved one, being homeless, physical illnesses', bankruptcy, and other stress breakers!  God has reminded me how important it is trust Him one issue at a time!  All the issues we face are temporal even to the point of death.  Trust Him through whatever you are faced with and know that He will deliver you based on His promises!
Your brother in Christ,

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hope for the hopeless! Isaiah 40:31

Good morning everyone,
Two days ago my heart broke while I was working in Irvine.  I ran into a gentleman (Candelario Iglesias) that several days before I had connected with and I felt drawn to him.  His posture reminded me of little Zacheus in the Scriptures.  We had talked to a great extent about what Jesus was doing in his life.  Just a little over a month ago, he and his wife (Esperanza) were homeless.  By the grace of God, he now has a job and is able to provide shelter for the two of them.  His attitude of gratitude is very obvious and being around him is such a joy.  While they are going through financial hardships, his wife's mother was having medical problems and with no way for them to get to her.  In the process of all of this, she passed away.  It is hard to describe what pain the two of them are going through, but the joy he feels in his heart far outweighs any discomfort that he is going through.  He knows where he gets his hope and right now that is what is carrying them both.  A great lesson for me to remind me that no matter what storm any of us go through, God is there to carry you and sustain you!  Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengthThey will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  What better example of trusting when it doesn't make sense to trust.  When all of your earthly possessions are gone and are void, what hope will you depend upon?  Please stop what you are doing right now and pray for Candelario and Esperanza and the rest of the family as they try and make preparations for the funeral!  Ask God to give you a heart that will reach out to those in need and one that will take your eyes off of your own problems so you can see things like Jesus does!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Encouragement for those persecuted for the Gospel! Matthew 5:10

Good morning everyone,
This morning it came to my attention that many are watching to see what your response is when things happen around you!  Will you act selfishly and bite back when someone does or says something to you that is unbecoming or will you respond in a way that helps them to see 'Jesus in action?'  We have choices that we make throughout the day; some good choices and some bad.  Fortunately we have a forgiving God that gives us opportunity after opportunity to correct our ways so that when given an opportunity that we previously failed, we can chose to respond like Jesus.  Many folks in this world don't take their relationship with Him for granted and because of their dedication, they are persecuted even to the point of death.  Here in the United States, we more than not take for granted our freedom to openly share the Gospel with folks.  Matthew 5:10 tells us, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  They know the reward for staying true to the promises that He has given all of us!  How many of you can say that you are glad when you are persecuted because of your faith in Jesus?  The persecution itself confirms our trust in God's promise of reward.  As you go about your day, ask the Savior to give you a sense of what people are dealing with and how you can shine a light for Him.  Before you have your next encounter with someone who gives you a snakebite, ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to know how to respond!  
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How will you be spent? Romans 4:5

Good morning everyone,
When you work and it feels as though your schedule takes you to the brink of exhaustion, how do you get refreshed?  When we do service for the King, do you give it your all or do you have a tendency to hold back?  When we do physical labor, our bodies need to be refreshed by getting the appropriate rest so that we can be restored.  The same goes for putting long hours in at work and emotional stress on the body is probably just as hard on our bodies if not more than physical activity.  Either way, God created you with a need for restoration!  We get that with getting the appropriate rest that we need.  Interesting thing about being restored.  When you feel as though you can't go on, ask the Lord for you to finish the day with Him and you will be amazed at how you feel upon getting up!  There is restorative powers in just being in His presence!  Many times when I've gone to church with little or no energy, complaining all the way, I've come away with a totally new outlook.  We trick ourselves into believing that we are too tired in being able to give anything.  In reality, the Creator can give you 'super natural' powers without you having to have a long winters nap.  When you allow the Lord to spend you however He sees fit, your entire makeup will be transformed.  Have the faith that it talks about in Romans 4:5.  It says, "But people are declared righteous because of their faith, not because of their work."  The next time you feel you can't go on, think again and give Him a try and see what happens! 
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ingredients for Success! Ecclesiastes 10:10

Good morning everyone,
All your life, you've probably been told that success is based on heart ache and sacrifice!  In order to succeed in this world, you have to give proportionately more than the amount you are going to receive.  Unfortunately, our worldly success is based on how many hours you are willing to sacrifice of your family(friends) time in order to get to the top of the rung!  And then when you get there, and you've received some of what has been promised, you usually look back and realize it really wasn't worth what you lost!  So to sum up worldly success, in most cases you are going to forfeit the things you value most in order to be considered one of best at what you do!  What?  We have been brained washed to perform at levels that cause us to give most of our time to our job!  If you are not careful, your job will consume you to the point that your family and all the things that you deem important will be swallowed up.  A point of caution; don't let this happen.  As men we make the mistake of being driven to care for our families.  In the process, we forget who caused us to be driven.  We make the excuse that we are working hard for our family when in essence we never have time for our family.  Now that is mixed up thinking!  It says in Ecclesiastes 10:10, "Since a dull ax requires great strength, sharpen the blade.  That's the value of wisdom, it helps you succeed."  So ask the Lord to give you insight into your situation and help you discern whether or not the time your spending is time well spent.  When my day begins with time with Him, it is crystal clear what is important and what can wait.  Waiting is the tough part because it is ingrained in us to occupy our time with being busy!  Listen to His still small voice and ask Him to give you a sharp ax so that you can have the wisdom to know what activities He considers important!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Reaching the potential God has given us! Genesis 50:26

Good morning everyone,
When Joseph started his life out, he would probably tell you that he never imagined all the things that would happen to him but he also would probably tell you that he would not change a thing.  As you may know from bible stories, Joseph was a dreamer and those dreams caused him to be sold into slavery by his own brothers.  For most of us, if we get thrown off of the course that we take in life, we might get very discouraged at what we accomplish!  One bad choice leads to another bad choice and a lot of times it isn't necessarily choices that we make but we still get caught in the middle of a mess!  The real picture is about how faithful you can be in the midst of the storm of life! Very few people have the 'golden road' of opportunities that very little goes wrong.  In fact if that is your story, you may have a difficult time realizing a need for the Savior.  Joseph realized very early that no matter what life threw at him, God was really the only answer.  Genesis 50:26 says, 'Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath, and he said, "When God comes to lead us back to Canaan, you must take my body back with you."  So Joseph died at the age of 110.  They embalmed him, and his body was placed in a coffin in Egypt.'  His life was fulfilled in Egypt, but that was not his home.  Even if you are in a distant land and maybe even homesick, God can use you!  The more difficult the situation, the more God reveals who He is because it is by His might and not your might!!!  Trust Him today to reveal to you what your potential is right where you are at and then put that potential to use in His name!  Don't try and figure life out by yourself!  Instead, trust Him to show you what you need and when you need it!
Your brother in Christ,

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Promises that you can trust! 2 Peter 1:4

Good Saturday morning to all,
If you happen to turn on the TV or any type of media, it doesn't take long before you will hear an advertiser make a promise about their product!  Their are promises about certain foods that will make you skinny, ads about clothes that will make you look skinny, diet programs, stop-smoking ads, ads that promise results based on using their products, and the list goes on and on!  Some of the products have side effects that cause other problems even though they may help the initial problem.  Then there is a retraction for the product because the FDA says that the product is unsafe and may lead to cancer or some other health issue.  Then there are law suits because promises were broken and the results didn't turn out like the manufacturer had promised.  We live in a strange world!  People wanting the fountain of youth and miracles that are not of Him.  People making promises about their product helping you stay young forever.  Guess what?  There is only One that you can rely upon all the time!  When He makes a promise, you can take it to the bank!  2 Peter 1:3-4 says, "And we know Jesus better, His divine power gives us everything we need for living a Godly life.  He has called us to receive His own glory and goodness!  And by that same mighty power, He has given us all of His rich and wonderful promisesHe has promised that you will escape the decadence all around you caused by evil desires and that you will share in His divine nature."  Before you put your trust in anyone or anything that makes a promise that sounds to good to be true, ask Him to help you see the 'true promises' that He has in store for you.
Your brother in Christ,

Friday, March 11, 2011

Why we don't give up! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Good morning to all,
The Christian life was never promised to be easy but with perseverance and persistence,  the final prize can be yours!  1 Corinthians 9:24-27 says, "Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize.  You also must run in such a way that you will win.  All athletes practice strict self-control.  They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.  So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step.  I am not like a boxer who misses his punches.  I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should.  Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified."  The purpose of our Christian life is to run to get the prize and not be distracted along the way; run straight to the goal!  The plan is to practice strict self-control by reading the word, to dine with the Savior regularly and to let the Holy Spirit direct your path!  The prize is an eternal prize that is everlasting life with the Father!  If you feel like giving up, shout out to the One who can give you new perspective and the fight that it takes to endure!  May God richly Bless your day as you receive your direction from the One who created you!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where does all Christian service begin? 1 Corinthians 15:9-10

Good morning everyone,
As I awake to start the day, I'm reminded of the question that is asked in the title of today's devotional.  In the book, 'Revolution In World Missions' that I'm reading by K.P. Yohannan, he asks the question, 'Where does all Christian service begin?'  He immediately answers his question by saying that it begins at the intersection of humility and obedience!  Wow!  1 Corinthians 15:9-10 says, "For I am the least of all the apostles, and I am not worthy to be called an apostle after the way I persecuted the church of God.  But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out His special favor on me---and not without results."  If we are truly humbled and are obedient by following Christ, there is great rewards but those rewards come at a price!  Any decision you make, consider it an honor and privilege to take the path that God has laid out for you.  There will be days like today that I would have loved to sleep later than usual but as I lay there, I was reminded of His still small voice asking me to get up so He could give me my instructions for the day.  It is a choice that we chose to make!!The opposite of humility and obedience are pride and disobedience!  Consider that every single thought you have leads you closer to Him or it takes you further away.  Another great line that K.P. says is, "No matter what you do, never take yourself too seriously!"  It is easy to get pumped up in our walk with Jesus if we begin to think that any good that we do is a reflection of our self!  That is when the problems begin.  Instead, ask Jesus for you to be a reflection shining the 'brightness' back to Him!  Think of a mirror that you hold in your hand pointing at the sun.  If you position it just right, you can literally blind someone or yourself by looking directly at the reflection.  Would it not be the coolest if we were to walk around in our day and because of the 'brightness' that we display, others would be drawn to us?  People in this world are searching for answers to life's problems!  Ask the Holy Spirit to turn your light on so that others will want to have what you have!!!! 
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God is oh so Good! Matthew 5:16

Good morning everyone,
If you really think about it God and Good go hand in hand!  Anything else that isn't of God is not good!  We make it so difficult because we put wedges between God and our relationship with Him.  In other words, we chose many things over spending time with Him. Once you know Him personally, He wants that relationship to blossom into the most beautiful flower upon which you have ever fixed your eyes!  It is a continuous struggle because satan is in the business of deceiving you into believing that he has the better plan.  It doesn't matter how well he wraps the package up, it still will fade and it is only of the flesh; whereas the flower that God presents never dulls and it is eternal.  When we think of light that is so intense that we have to shield our eyes, God is the radiance of Good manifested!  I pray that the glow of Jesus Christ radiate upon you as you leave your house to begin your day so that all will see that God is oh so Good!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What is Discipleship? Mark 1:17

Good morning everyone,
I come to you this morning asking you a question that we should all ask ourselves!  What is discipleship?  We need God intimately, and we need Him desperately.  Without Him we are lost, but with Him comes the hope that we have life eternal.  Committing your life to Him means there is a second step!  You have just made first string and now the game is in your hands.  He asks us all to live our lives looking for the opportunities to evangelize.  Wait a minute Paul!  You may say that you're not a preacher or an evangelist!  The beautiful thing is that you don't have to be called to be a preacher, but guess what; we have all been called to be disciples!  In Mark 1:17, Jesus called out to them, "Come, be my disciples, and I will show you how to fish for people!"  You may say that you can't go up to somebody and witness to them and talk to someone who is a total stranger and tell them about Jesus.  But the closer you get in your relationship to Jesus, the more He will teach you how to be obedient to Him in serving others.  It isn't what we say but more in what we do!  If we live our lives in a way that pleases the One who created us, He will show you how and when to encourage those you come in contact with!  We just need to be available.  Knowing God is the first step to being a follower.  Following Him means just that!  Not just His principles and His ideas but more about His actions!  When you are available, He will show You exactly how He wants you to carry it out!  God Bless you as you serve Him with all your heart!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Consult Him in everything you do! Joshua 9:1-10:15

Good morning everyone,
How many times do you make a decision before first consulting God for His advice?  It may be something very simple to have to decide but He knows the future when we might be disillusioned!  Everything may seem as though we are making the best decision for whatever we are faced with but maybe God would like you to see the bigger picture.  In Joshua 9:1-10:15, the Israelites were approached by the Gibeonites for a peace treaty.  The Gibeonites resorted to deception because they were afraid for their lives.  They tricked the Israelites into signing a treaty without the leaders of Israel first consulting with the Lord.  If we try and go ahead of God's plan, we will stumble every time and the road will be much rougher.  Why do we try and get out of messes that we create?  When we do things over and over again the same way and expect different results, we are going to be frustrated every time.  Perspective is something that God will freely give to us if we chose to include Him in everything we do!  The Holy Spirit is your guide to helping you make good choices.  When we are faced with tough choices, your mind races and things become muddled.  The Holy Spirit can bring back clarity when everything seems to be cloudy at best.  Trust Him with little things and before you know it, your attitude will swing more toward gratitude! 
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Are your ways His Way? John 14:6

Good morning everyone,
From getting up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, is the way you conduct your life the way he wants you to conduct it?  You may say you are a good person, but if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you've miss the point to John 14:6!  I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life!  No one comes to the Father except through Me.  Verse 7 goes on to say, "If you had known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is.  From now on you know Him and have seen Him!"  Either these 'Red Letter Words' are a lie or they are the very Word of our Lord and Savior.  When you go through your day, do you often feel as though you are at the end of your abilities whether it be physical or Spiritual or both?  The title to today's devotional is where I would like to direct your attention.  Are your ways His Way?  We do many activities throughout the course of a day; some important and some not so important.  Every activity should be looked upon as 'work in service of the King!'  He doesn't necessary want you to run to Him in a last ditch effort.  He wants to dwell in your mind whether we are in a viscous fast pace or we are relaxing doing something that takes little effort and that leads us to think like He thinks!  He wants all your ways to lead to the only Way that matters and that is directly to Him.  Give Him more and more of what you want and before you know it, He will be all you need!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

After the storm! Luke 8:25

Hello everyone,
Looking at the situation from our prospective, it seems silly that the disciples had so little faith that they became scared for their lives during the storm especially with Jesus in the boat.  Luke 8:25 says, Then He asked them, "Where is your faith?"  Do we not do the exact same thing over and over again?  When we get caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think that God has lost control and that we're at the mercy of the winds of fate.  In reality, God is sovereign.  He controls the history of the world as well as our personal destiny.  Just as Jesus calmed the waves, He can calm whatever storm you may face.  This past week, it has been a thrill to be working from home but with that reward comes extra stress sometimes.  I've been going back and forth to work the last two days and am planning to do that over the next few weeks and that is truly a blessing.  Pray that I am able to let the stress of the moments I face dissolve as I trust Him to take care of those situations.  There is nothing that He doesn't want to handle before it becomes a situation where we let doubt get the best of us!  Remember that He is in the boat with you when the next storm hits and all you have to do is ask Him to calm it in Jesus name! 
Your brother in Christ,