Sunday, November 20, 2011

Relief from your enemies! Esther 9:22

Good morning everyone,
Are you tired of getting beat up from those individuals that seem like they bully you more than your fair share?  Do you ever wonder why so many individuals feel intimidated by your successes?  Have you ever prayed for those individuals instead of taking it so personally?  Esther 9:22 says, 'as the time when the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into a day of celebration.  He wrote them to observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor.'  When you go through tough times, when you encounter people that attack you for seemingly no reason, when you feel as though the world is against you, who do you turn to for refuge?  Have you ever thought about doing something nice for those that treat you wrong?  It is possible that the people that are attacking you are simply scared and they live in defence mode.  In other words, they only know how to attack because that is the way they survive.  Maybe nobody has ever shown them the love of Christ!  Let me encourage you to do something different the next time somebody attacks you; pray for them first and ask God to give you His love to shower them back with and see what happens.  When you do that, your days of sorrow may just turn into days of feasting and joy!  Gods love can overturn any and all obstacles so that Jesus Christ shines through to make a bad situation one that will require a celebration!  
Your brother in Christ,

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