Friday, November 16, 2012

Doing the things we don't want to do! Psalm 119:18

Good morning everyone,
None of us like to do things that are troublesome!  For the most part, I think most of us would prefer to do things that are desirable.  In other words, with the results having a positive outcome.  But if we really think about that scenario, it didn't exist with Jesus Christ.  He was always willing to do what no one else was willing to do.  If we would just stop and understand the magnitude of the place we are in, He will create the phrase, 'For a time such as this' in every situation we face.  If we really trusted Him every waking moment, we would not throw our arms up in disarray!  We would embrace each opportunity as a 'golden opportunity' to trust Him and for His perfect will to be completed!  We want to say, O Lord, if You would but take this bitter cup from me....His perfect will is secured in the things that we see as troubles and inconveniences!  He is your 'Azar' which means helper!  How much are we willing to understand?  If you are like me, I'm simply asking Him to let me know on a 'as needs basis!'  Anything else will be too much information or it will keep me distracted because my desire is to do the things that I don't want to do with a cause for Him that passes all understanding!  Psalm 119:18 says, 'Open mine eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.'  May He open up our mines so that we hear His voice and our hearts so that He can steal them away from the distractions of this world.  He will never leave you, nor will He forsake you!  
Your brother in Christ,

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