Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gods awesome Creation!!! Hebrews 1:18

Good Morning to all,
Yesterday was an exciting day because I got to come home after 2 weeks of being on the road!  Extended time away from the people you love is difficult to say the least.  It seems as though lately, I've been on the go more than not!  My morning started when most all of if not all of you were fast asleep.  I left Park Falls, Wisconsin at 2:30 am (12:30 am California time) and eventually got to Ontario around 12:30 pm.  The first leg of my trip was from Park Falls to Minneapolis, Minnesota which was about 190 miles.  On that particular portion of the trip, I quit counting how many deer I encountered.  Some on the side of the road, some in the middle, and some that had already met their demise.  I also encountered a brown bear sitting in the middle of the road, a fox or coyote, a dog and various other flashes as I slowly progressed along.  I was glad to get through it without incident.  It brought to mind just how active creation is when we are usually fast asleep.  All week long the weather had been rainy and snowy, windy and cold, and just miserable to be out in!  Although the morning temperature was 25, it was if God had woken up His entire Creation.  Not only are the animals bustling around like a scene from 'jungle book', the stars are magnificently displayed across the heavens with crystal clarity, the wind seems to be non existant, and there is a stillness that is hard to describe.  God seemed to speak right to my heart and say, 'All that I have created is for your enjoyment'!  Amazingly He showed me a peace of His Creation and it was as if He was telling me to slow down (I've given you extra time) and listen to my 'still small voice' and absorb in what you are usually too busy to acknowledge.  Ask the Father to free up a little time for you to do the same.  It will give you an entirely different perspective about His awesome detail in His magnificent Creation!  All the things that I experienced in a 12 hour period brought out an even more important point.  Hebrews 1:18 says, 'In His goodness He chose to make us His own children by giving us His true word.  And we, out of all creation, became His choice possession.  Wherever you find yourself right now, stop and thank Him that you are His choice possession!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Listen to His still small voice!!! Proverbs 1:23-27

Good morning everyone,
I don't really know what the deal is but I seem to have an internal alarm clock around 2 o'clock every morning.  Sometimes I get frustrated and toss and turn and other times I drift back off to sleep.  But as I have gotten older, it seems to happen more frequently.  If at all possible and this week is a good example, I get my Bible and computer out or I lay in bed and try and listen for the message that my Father has to tell me.  He trys many times to communicate with us but I think we get so busy that we fail to realize what He is trying to say!  The next time you find yourself restless and wide awake in the middle of the night, don't squander that opportunity.  As I lay in bed right now, I'm reminded of the incredible stillness that the night holds.  I am in a cabin that is housing 2 other guys and I have the distinct pleasure of my own bedroom.  One of them is in the living area and the other in another bedroom.  So some of the night sounds are the hot water heater kicking off and then on, occasional snores coming from the middle room and the normal howling sounds of the wind outside.  In saying all of that, once the day begins no matter what your intentions are, there seems to be very little time to offer to Him!  Time where you can just 'listen'!  Proverbs 1:23-27 says, 'Come here and listen to me!  I'll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you wise.  I called you so often, but you didn't come.  I reached out to you, but you paid no attention.  You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered.  So I will laugh when you are in trouble!  I will mock when disaster overtakes you---when calamity overcomes you like a storm, when you are engulfed by trouble, and when anguish and distress overwhelm you'.  So the next time you find yourself wondering why you can't sleep, begin chatting but more importantly listening to that 'still small voice'.  It is at these times that I have received the most profound thoughts!
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

There is Light at the end of the tunnel! Psalm 27:1; Psalm 119:105

Good morning everyone,
Anytime we are seperated from loved ones, it is tough at times, especially when the lines of communication are almost non existent.  For the most part, we can use our cell phones to call folks without much problem.  This week working in Wisconsin has been extremely tough because my cell phone seems to be always searching for a signal with very little success.  Since the rain and wind are blowing non stop and the weather seems to be diminishing as we speak, darkness has literally fallin on this part of the world.  What was beautifully bright and warm just a few days ago seems to be a rather dreary and cold place at the moment.  Yet, God is telling me that there is Light coming again soon.  The hope that we find in a situation that we want to hurry through seems to be right in the midst of where we are and not necessarily escaping the moment.  The Light is drawing close to the Father when you have not seen your loved ones in sometime.  And it is Him telling me to be patient and still learning the importance of quality time the next opportunity I have with those closest to me.  For me to be still is difficult when all I want to do is run be in my wifes arms, yet God is teaching me just how important and necessary relationships are!  The old saying 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' comes to mind!  I think about all the men and women who are in the military and how they must feel being seperated a lot longer and then I wonder how they must get through their loneliness.  Their 'light' is no different than mind, just longer!  Light is defined as daytime; brightness; illumination; spiritual enlightenment; exposure to the truth and justice.  Light at the end of the tunnel is coming out of the darkness.  No matter what situation you find yourself in, Jesus is the Light that can save you from any darkness that may be surrounding you!  May God richly Bless you and keep you!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God hears those who come to Him!!!! 1 John 3:16

Good morning to all,
As I awoke this morning, I began to think and wonder about each of you.  Did you start your day yet?  Who of you wakes up early?  What kind of routine do each of you have as you begin another day?  If you really think about the questions, it probably brings up an important thought:  do you start your day getting your instructions from Him or do you stumble into the day blindly?  Our Father does hear us even if we don't have a lot of time to give Him.  I think He prefers to have our undivided attention, but that is not always possible.  He would rather have a little bit of your time than no time at all!  Before you get inundated with stuff today, start your day with a conversation with Him!  He will hear you right where you are and you don't have to get everything just perfect in order to spend time with Him.  Even though you don't feel you have anymore that you can add to your plate, He will start chipping away at those distractions for you and very soon free up time that you didn't even know you had!  It all starts with your desire to serve Him and then amazing things will happen.  Instead of you dreading to get up to face another day of the same stuff, before long, you will have a new kick in your 'get a long'!  24/7 He is able to conversate with You when no one else is available.  His desire to know You and Love You!  We know what real love is because Christ gave up His life for us.  And so we ought to give up our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters (1 John 3:16). 
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't let satan undermind your contentment-Story of Eve; Genesis 2:18-4:26

Hey everyone,
The more I have to be on the road, the more my heart grows lonesome for you, especially my lovely bride!  Satan is really sneaky about stealing your contentment wherever you are in life.  My encouragment and prayer for each of you is to not allow that to happen.  The definition of contentment is pleased; satisfied; or willing whether you are going through a trial or a victory.  I can choose to be depressed and frustrated or I can be thankful of where I am asking God to use me in the moment.  Let me encourage each one of you to relook at what is important to you and know that your attitude is the key to getting you through to the place where God can use you most effectively.  Being content with where you are and striving for excellence in Christ!  I'm telling you that because I need to be reminded myself.  I have never in my life felt as alone as I have over the last few weeks and God has made me look past my current loneliness seeing that when I'm given the opportunity, I need to cherish my quality time with you with much greater care.  Cell phones don't work very well when you are in the middle of 'bug tussel'!  Something as simple as saying hi to our friends on a daily basis is something we take for granted most of the time, until we can't do it!  Maybe it is good in one sense though because God reveals to you the importance of sharing love with your brothers and sisters.  My wife and I are supposed to coshare the responsibilities of facilitating a group called 'homebuilders' every other Sunday.  I have not been able to help her at all and many other burdens have fallen on her lap completely.  Pray for her as I have to be away and pray that our time together be the type of quality that it needs to be so that we can be blessed in our marriage.  To all of you; please don't let your relationships suffer by ignoring them and if seperation has to happen, make sure that you communicate the best you can until the season passes.  My wife's love language is communication and I'm learning as I'm writing to you just how much it is important and vital in our relationship.  My challenge to you this week; take a step back and analyze the relationships that are important to you and be willing to talk to those individuals and ask them for input so you can take the opportunity to work on the problem areas.  It will be time well spent!  May God richly Bless each of you as you take this into consideration.  
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Excellence is how hard you work when no one is noticing!!!!!

Good day to everyone,
Do you know someone who works hard and doesn't cut corners?  That was my dad!  The hardest worker I ever knew and a perfectionist at cleaning cars!  He was a great example of doing the job right and he expected others to do the same.   Detail is something that isn't natural.  You have to work at it and the results will speak for the effort you give.  Detail is putting a little extra spit on the shine!  Luke was like that!  He was a well educated and trained physician, a careful and exact historian, a writer of both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, and he was a humble and faithful friend of Paul.  Some believe that he may of been muchly needed to help with Paul's affliction (Paul's thorn in his side).  His compassion to help folks, his Christ likeness, is a great example for all of us to follow.  The book of Luke is the most comprehensive Gospel.  And the way it is written, the vocabulary and diction show how educated Luke was!  He emphasizes prayer, miracles and angels, stresses Jesus' relationships with people, and talks of a prominent place for women!  I think it is ironic that most of the really influential people in my Christian walk have been women (my great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, and my wife).  Each of these women have and continue to inspire me to be a better man for my Father!  Think about someone who has affected your life greatly and thank God for them.  Email me back and tell me about them!  Someone in your life has been instrumental is your makeup!  I also pray for each of you that you will find someone going forward that can be a mentor to you.  Whether you have good memories of your past or not, chose this day 'whom you will serve' and know that someone out there wants and desires to grow in Christ with you.  Your past is important because you have the rest of your life to work toward excellence for the Lord!
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Being connected with others is vital in showing God's Love!!!!

Good morning everyone,
I'll have to try this again because the first time everything got wiped out.  That's okay though because maybe more of you are up and going now and ready for an encouragement!  I was lying in bed earlier wondering how many of you were already up and involved in your busyness?  If the Lord puts someone on your heart to either call, email or go see; don't put it off!  Last night I received an email from my brother Michael and he never fails to amaze me in that the Lord lays on his heart when to contact me when I most need it.  He is faithful in encourageing me and praying for me!  Do you have someone in your life that does that for you or do you do that for others?  Before you answer that, you do because I pray for you often!  It has become apparent to me that connection with my brothers and sisters is what keeps my eyes off of myself.  When you reach out to someone, you may be what they needed without even knowing it.  Many times I have been reminded that praying for someone may be the difference whether or not that person gives up or not!  It isn't anything that I possess but it is because God used me to be the vessel of compassion that was the difference. Giving God the Glory in every situation changes our attitude and connects us closer to our Creator!  Sometimes we have to remind our brothers and sisters that they are walking on thin ice; not in what we say but in how we live to remind them that our strength comes from our Father!  Proverbs 27:17 says, 'As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend'.  Gossiping is dangerous and it will bury any good that previously was created so be careful.  When you hear someone gossip, it is best if you chose not to participate.  If I do something that threatens anothers faith, I need to be corrected.  I tell you these things because I too struggle with these areas.  I was recently reminded of how hypocritical I was in how I was acting!  A sinner in need of a Savior!  Michael reminded me of him loving me but more importantly God loves me!  People will disappoint you more than you can imagine but forgiveness is showing others that you are choosing to go beyond what humanly is possible.  Something so much more than our own selfishness!  Chose this day whom you will serve!
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, October 18, 2010

God will use our past & present so we may serve Him with our future!

Hello everyone,
No matter where you find yourself, God is right where you are!  You may be going through a trial or just getting over one but realize that another one is just around the corner.  When we go through the valleys, I think it is important to reach out to those that love us and ask them to pray for us!  It is important to draw close to the Father and He also wants us to share our struggles with those closest to us!  Paul reminds us in Philippians 1:21-24, 'For to me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better.  Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ.  I really don't know which is better.  I'm torn between two desires:  Sometimes I want to live, and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ.  That would be far better for me, but it is better for you that I live'.  I shared with my wife and best friend yesterday that I am going through a period where I feel numb!  I'm not sure if it is depression or just a time that I need to be available because God is trying to tell me something.  I know personally He is working on me to not be so judgmental and to not be so hypocritical!  Even a 52 year old can eat humble pie several times a day!  As I opened my Bible yesterday on the flight to Minneapolis, He gave me new insight on Genesis 1!   He told me that He created something so magnificent that there is no way even the smartest scientist can grasp the maginude of His creation.  A couple of statistics really stand out:  the vast galaxy we live in is spinning at the incredible speed of 490,000 miles an hour.  At that breakneck speed, our galaxy still needs 200 million years to make one rotation.  And there are over one billion other galaxies just like ours in the universe.  My head hurts now, but I want to end this devotional by saying that regardless of numbers we don't understand, God created you and I not by accident, but by 'divine appointment'.  On such and such a day He brought each of us into the Creation that we can't fully grasp.  Scientists believe that there are more stars than the grains of sand upon this earth!  Okay, my head just exploded.  With all of that said, He created you because He Loves you and you are even more important than the Creation I gave you numbers about that we will never be able to comprehend!  
Thought for today:  As you ponder on the magnificence of our Creator and Lord and while you have breath to breathe and blood pumping through your veins, just maybe He wants you to share that same Love with others!!!
Your brother in Christ,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

No matter where we are, He wants us to reach out to Him!!!!

Hey everyone,
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!!!!!  For 69 days, 33 miners wondered and probably doubted if they would ever come out of the hole that had become their temporary home.  Trapped over 2200 feet below the surface and really all they had was each other.  On October 13, 2010, each miner emerged from that scary place to a beautiful place called freedom.  As each miner surfaced, the adolation and thankfulness that showed on each man was almost too much to contain.  The rescuers and family members all seem to anticipate the joy of having husbands, boyfriends, or family members back.  Every miner would bring hugs, kisses and jubulation to those in waiting as they exited what has seemed an eternity for each one.  Due to technology, a miracle happened because a company in Pennslyvania designed a tubular cage contraption that was lowered and raised some 40 times to bring those men out of their temporary hell!  It was really the back up vehicle that ended up being the only vehicle.  Anybody watching the event take place should realize that there is a 'power' at work that is so much greater than the actual rescue.  God's hand was on this situation from the very start until the completion.  Not only did the entire operation go smoothly; for the most part, each man seem to give credit where credit was due and that is to their Lord and Savior!  Remember, God wants us to be faithful when there are trials and tribulations and He wants us to give Him credit when He rescues us from those perils showing others how He allowed us to endure!!!  Whatever situation you find yourself in, realize that even death is not the end because we have eternity in Christ.  May each of these men continue to seek His face in serving the One who wants them to share about His marvelous grace!!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Psalm 24-Everything belongs to God

Hello everyone,
When we think of a scripture that is read many times, especially when we need strength through a tough time, you probably think of Psalm 23!  But as I opened my Bible today,
my attention was caught by Psalm 24.  The theme is 'Everything belongs to God-the glorious eternal King.  Let us worship Him and welcome His glorious reign.  I would encourage you to find a Bible and read the 10 verses of this chapter.  I'm reminded that really 'Everything' belongs to the Father.  The possessions we call ours are really His!  He has just given us the opportunity of loaning those to us while we are here.  In this scripture David asks us Who is this King of Glory?  Then he gives us the answer.  The Lord Almighty---He is the King of Glory!   As manager of our smallest to the grandest possessions, may we be thankful for God allowing us to manage His property.  Everything from the food that sustains us to the brothers and sisters that He ask us to love, may we honor Him in the way we 'Care'!  Have a Blessed day in the name of Jesus and know you are 'Loved'!
Your brother in Christ,

If you want a good project over the next month, read one Proverb and three Psalms each day and you will have read both books! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Overcoming temptation-----Gen 3:1-6; Matt 26:40-41

Hello everyone,
Today I'm in beautiful Flatrock, N.C. and instead of waking up to busyness, Deborah and I woke up to lookin out across a huge valley on to the next mountain from our good friends living room!  So this may be the only devotional I get out until next week!  Prayer is the key to maintaining connection with our Creator!  Temptation comes in many different disguises.  In Genesis 3:1-6, temptation happens for the first time in recorded history which leads to sin being born.  Satan deceived Eve into eating what God had said was forbidden which lead Adam into doing the same.  How could Eve have resisted temptation?  By following the same guidelines we can follow.
       First, we must realize that temptation itself is not sin!  We have not sinned until we give into the temptation.  To resist temptation, we must:
       (1) Pray for strength to resist
       (2) Run, sometimes literally.
       (3) Say no when confronted with what we know is wrong.
In James 1:12, James reminds us that God Blesses the people who patiently endure testing.  Afterward they will receive the 'crown of life' that God has promised to those who love Him. 
Have a Blessed day and know that you are loved!!!
Your brother in Christ,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An encouraging word! Romans 15:4

Hello again everyone,
Too many thoughts going around in this head of mind that I feel like I need to share.  In Romans 15:4, we are reminded of the importance of knowing Scripture.  The verse goes on to say that they give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises.  I just spoke to a friend of mine via email and I was reminded of a simple thing that can be 'life saving'!  Encouraging words are like medicine to the soul.  When you're down, and sometimes you can't pinpoint why you're down, a few words of encouragement may be what is needed to get you out of that huge 'sinkhole'!  We often feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders and we try and carry it alone.  God has much broader shoulders than we do and He is capable of carrying that plus much more.  In James 1:3-4, we are reminded, For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.  Brothers and sisters, when you read a Scripture that really touches you, share it with a friend because it could be the life raft they need in order to stay a float!
Your brother in Christ,

Brightness of His Glory is beyond our comprehension!!! Isaiah 24:23

Hello everyone,
How bright is bright?  Think about the brightest sun you have ever encountered.  When I was a child, individuals would often dare me to look up at the sun.  Okay even though I would do that (which would usually lead to temporary blindness), I would have to look away because the intensity was too much!  I would see stars for quite a while.  Well, in Isaiah 24:23, we are told that the Lord Almighty will mount His throne on Mount Zion.  He will rule gloriously in Jerusalem, in the sight of all the leaders of His people.  There will be such Glory that the brightness of the sun and moon will seem to fade away.  Glory is defined as honor bestowed; splendor or majesty (magnificence); a distinguishing quality, asset or attribute; eternity; to boast or take credit for.  In reference to this scripture, I feel as though splendor, magnificense, and eternity stand out.  For those who know Him, it will be a beautiful sight to behold!!!   For those who don't, it will be an eternity of emptyness!  The beautiful thing is while you still have breath to breathe, He is waiting for you to reach out to Him and enter into His presence.  He wants to dine with you and fellowship with you regularly.  It starts by saying 'Yes' Lord and making Him your first priority.  Get your instructions when you first open your eyes and the rest of the day will start to look a whole lot differently.  God Bless you and know that you are loved!   
Your brother in Christ,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Prayer-Ask God anything but expect anything! Genesis 18:33; 17:22; 35:13; 22:1

Hello Everyone,
When you pray, do you expect God to answer according to your hearts desire or do you pray that God will give you an answer so that you can see His will at work?  When you pray, does your heart change?  Often, I feel we pray and when the answer doesn't come quickly or it isn't answered like we want it, we stop praying!  Why?  Keep praying and ask the Lord to show you the desires of His heart!  Amazing things will happen.  Ask Abraham!  When he prepared to sacrifice Isaac on the alter (Genesis 22:1), I'm sure that he wrestled with the thought of what he was about to do!  Everything Abraham did in this situation, he demonstrated his complete obedience to the Lord and this developed his character.  He never doubted that the Lord would provide an alternative or that the Lord himself would be accountable for having done something far bigger than what Abraham was capable of putting his mind around!!  With that kind of obedience, God will allow us to 'move mountains' in His name!  If we are obedient in our prayers, then we are likely to have a better understanding when prayers are answered with a different outcome than the way we expected or wanted!
Your brother in Christ,