Thursday, October 14, 2010

No matter where we are, He wants us to reach out to Him!!!!

Hey everyone,
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!!!!!  For 69 days, 33 miners wondered and probably doubted if they would ever come out of the hole that had become their temporary home.  Trapped over 2200 feet below the surface and really all they had was each other.  On October 13, 2010, each miner emerged from that scary place to a beautiful place called freedom.  As each miner surfaced, the adolation and thankfulness that showed on each man was almost too much to contain.  The rescuers and family members all seem to anticipate the joy of having husbands, boyfriends, or family members back.  Every miner would bring hugs, kisses and jubulation to those in waiting as they exited what has seemed an eternity for each one.  Due to technology, a miracle happened because a company in Pennslyvania designed a tubular cage contraption that was lowered and raised some 40 times to bring those men out of their temporary hell!  It was really the back up vehicle that ended up being the only vehicle.  Anybody watching the event take place should realize that there is a 'power' at work that is so much greater than the actual rescue.  God's hand was on this situation from the very start until the completion.  Not only did the entire operation go smoothly; for the most part, each man seem to give credit where credit was due and that is to their Lord and Savior!  Remember, God wants us to be faithful when there are trials and tribulations and He wants us to give Him credit when He rescues us from those perils showing others how He allowed us to endure!!!  Whatever situation you find yourself in, realize that even death is not the end because we have eternity in Christ.  May each of these men continue to seek His face in serving the One who wants them to share about His marvelous grace!!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bro - each morning at work, I turn my desk calendar and on it, there is either an encouraging quote or even better, an encouraging word from The Word. I thought it would bless you that I flipped my calendar, and read 1 Peter 6-7 which tells us, "In this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

    May God continue to provide for the health of the miners who have experienced great trials and may we continue to realize that He is the One responsible for the rescue of all of us!
