Saturday, October 30, 2010

Gods awesome Creation!!! Hebrews 1:18

Good Morning to all,
Yesterday was an exciting day because I got to come home after 2 weeks of being on the road!  Extended time away from the people you love is difficult to say the least.  It seems as though lately, I've been on the go more than not!  My morning started when most all of if not all of you were fast asleep.  I left Park Falls, Wisconsin at 2:30 am (12:30 am California time) and eventually got to Ontario around 12:30 pm.  The first leg of my trip was from Park Falls to Minneapolis, Minnesota which was about 190 miles.  On that particular portion of the trip, I quit counting how many deer I encountered.  Some on the side of the road, some in the middle, and some that had already met their demise.  I also encountered a brown bear sitting in the middle of the road, a fox or coyote, a dog and various other flashes as I slowly progressed along.  I was glad to get through it without incident.  It brought to mind just how active creation is when we are usually fast asleep.  All week long the weather had been rainy and snowy, windy and cold, and just miserable to be out in!  Although the morning temperature was 25, it was if God had woken up His entire Creation.  Not only are the animals bustling around like a scene from 'jungle book', the stars are magnificently displayed across the heavens with crystal clarity, the wind seems to be non existant, and there is a stillness that is hard to describe.  God seemed to speak right to my heart and say, 'All that I have created is for your enjoyment'!  Amazingly He showed me a peace of His Creation and it was as if He was telling me to slow down (I've given you extra time) and listen to my 'still small voice' and absorb in what you are usually too busy to acknowledge.  Ask the Father to free up a little time for you to do the same.  It will give you an entirely different perspective about His awesome detail in His magnificent Creation!  All the things that I experienced in a 12 hour period brought out an even more important point.  Hebrews 1:18 says, 'In His goodness He chose to make us His own children by giving us His true word.  And we, out of all creation, became His choice possession.  Wherever you find yourself right now, stop and thank Him that you are His choice possession!
Your brother in Christ,

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