Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What condition do you find yourself in? John 5:5-7

Good morning everyone,
John 5:5-7 depicts a man who has been an invalid for 38 years and doesn't really know the person that is capable of healing him!  There were certain pools of water that had healing powers if those in need could somehow get into the water.  This particular individual was placed close to the water but had no means of getting in the water.  Now folks, this individual in my opinion never gave up hope.  He would come to the water consistantly in hopes that someone would notice him and help him get into the water.  Persistence coupled with hope in the Lord is the key to overcoming any and all ailments.  The invalid got much more than he bargained for because this day he ran into the One who could heal physically but more importantly could heal Spiritually.  I don't know about you, but to instantly be healed after 38 years of being an invalid and now being able to walk would be more than I could handle.  Blessings are available if you know the right Source to call upon!  See really, we are all in need of being healed by the Great Physican.  We all have a 'terminal illness' that needs to be dealt with and He is waiting on you to call upon His name.  There is no magic water that is going to heal you unless it is water that comes from the Holy Spirit.  In reality, our bodies are on a demolition course that ends in physical death, but by believing, we can have eternal life with a new body!  Wow!  Think about all your flaws that you have.  Oh, you are young enough that you haven't noticed kinks in your armour.  Just wait around long enough and you too will have a body that starts to erode.  Life is not about living forever physically!  It is about conditioning to prepare for the Way of the Lord.  He gives us this life so that we can learn to depend on Him so that we realize the Creator is also the great Healer!  He is the only One that can assure you that any and all conditions that you find yourself in can be ratified by Him!  You may find that you have a thorn in your side like Paul did, but God has a plan for you anyway!  Not everybody is going to live this physical life and die after a long and prosperous run.  Whether you are in perfect health or you have multiple health problems, call out to Him so that He will use you in a way that reflects all the Blessings back on Him!
Your brother in Christ,

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