Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas all year long! Mark 12:43-44; Joshua 24:15

Good morning everyone,
It seems as though I've been hearing Christmas music even before Thanksgiving.  At heart, that is okay with me because it reminds me of a lot of old memories but it also is how I think we should be all year long!  Instead of making it a holiday that you remember about what you got, make an effort to make it a holiday about what you give.  I'm not necessarily talking about physical gifts; I'm talking about giving the gift of your heart.  Do you know how many people suffer this time of year for various reasons; loss of a loved one, homelessness, being alone, being hungry, separation due to miles, financial difficulties and the list goes on and on.  You will quickly forget about the previous gift you were given or you purchased, but I can guarantee you will not very quickly forget serving a homeless person a meal!  It has become very apparent that I have been given way more than I deserve and who knows for what reasons.  We can justify that we deserve things because we work hard for them and we manage our money like we think we should.  Do we manage it like the widow who gave all she had or do we use it to satisfy our own wants and desires.  Mark 12:43-44 says, Calling His disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.  They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on."  You may say to yourself that you have no idea where you can help out because there are many scam artists out there that misrepresent being needy.  Remember to ask God to provide you with a need that needs to be met and I promise you He will not steer you wrong!  Look at you own situation and praise Him for something you are thankful for and He will duplicate that blessing.  See, we all have difficulties that we could choose to focus on or we could praise Him for the air that we breathe!  He will multiply ever thankful praise in more ways than you can imagine.  Joshua 24:15 says, choose for yourself this day whom you will serve.  But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
Your brother in Christ,

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