Good morning everyone,
When you go swimming, whether it be in a pool, a creek, a lake, or the ocean, do you plunge in or do you tip-toe into the water? I know with my wife, if you can't see the bottom then you don't need to even get wet. The mystery for some folks is just too much to handle. For folks who are just plumb scared of the water, they stay as far as they can from the water. When you ask Jesus into your heart and begin the relationship with Him, He doesn't want you to just tipsy-toe around. He wants you to plunge in with all of your gusto. Humanly, we have a tendency to check the temperature of the water before we decide if want to enter. We do the same thing with our relationship with Him much of the time. If it gets a little uncomfortable (hot or cold) in what needs to change about us, we have a tendency to want to retreat! Anytime we enter into the water, we are going to be changed immediately, if we plunge in with our whole body. You can't hold on to the things that are the old self because He wants to change you completely. That right there folks is an extremely hard lesson for me because I live in a comfort zone with my income and life style that affords the things I think are important. Does God have that same attitude toward my comfort? I don't think so! I'm learning life lesson #5000 as we speak or is it #5001? To recklessly abandon my old ways, checking with Him first, and trusting that His ways are better than mine! Deuteronomy 32:4 says, 'He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.' Stop depending on your own intellect to make your pathway smooth. The more you allow intellect to rule in your decisions, the less you will rely on Him to make the impossible, possible!
Trust and obey,
for there's no other way
to be happy in Jesus,
but to trust and obey.
Your brother in Christ,
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