Sunday, December 16, 2012

What mighty things are you grateful for? Luke 1:46-47

Good morning everyone,
As I awake this morning to start my day, I look out the window of my hotel in amazement that yet another day is to begin!  What happened yesterday is history; what happens today is really all that any of us are assured of having!  What happened some 2000 years ago to a small child is still a mystery and who is to say that He might not pick you as a participant in one of His present or future amazing feats.  Luke 1:46-47 says, And Mary said:  "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for the Mighty One has done great things for me---holy is His name."  Mary may have questioned why God picked her to be the mother of the Savior of the world but she was obedient in everything that He ask her to do.  Are you listening to Him to carry out what He is asking you?  If you are like Mary, you probably won't feel worthy of what He is probably going to ask you to do.  The real issue is missing the opportunity of a lifetime.  When we are given an opportunity that is definitely God directed and God's timing, we shouldn't question it!  Instead we should ask God how to carry it out to fruition.  Start by praising Him for the mighty things that He has done for you!  If you are having a mental block about blessings that He is responsible for, let me remind you of one of those.  Each one of you is a blessing in my life and I believe that none of you are happen chance that receive this devotional this morning.  Just like Mary, be available to the Lord first and foremost and then don't question His direction of where He takes you.  Just be willing to hold on by pulling up your boot straps and digging your heels tight into the stirrups!  He is ready to give you the ride of your earthly lifetime!  May God richly bless each of you as you discover how praising Him leads to connection to the One who really cares about your future!
Your brother in Christ,

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