Monday, November 15, 2010

Real trust brings consistency of character! Psalm 125:1

Hello everyone,
Psalm 125:1 tells us that, 'Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever.'  Think of the Lord as never changing.  Even when our human relationships falter due to lack of trust or our relationship with the Lord falters, God never moves.  He loves us beyond measure.  Take your human feelings, multiply them exponentially into infinity, and you will have a hint of the love of God revealed by and in Jesus Christ.  With a strong affirmation of our goodness and a gentle understanding of our weakness, God is loving us---you and me---this moment, just as we are and not as we should be. There is nothing any of us can do to increase His love for us and nothing we can do to diminish it.   When we get waylaid from our walk with God by busyness, depression, family problems, or worse, God does not abandon us.  Nor, if we walk the way of trust, do we abandon God.  When we wander off the path, that trust pulls us back; and we do not flinch, hesitate, or worry about being unwelcome in the Father's arms.  No matter where we are on the journey, we have a quiet confidence that our trust in God's love gives God immense pleasure (excerpt taken from Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning).  In Mark 10:14, Jesus says, 'Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God.'  To feel secure, all children need is a loving look and gentle touch from someone who cares.  They believe us because they trust us.  Jesus said that people should trust in Him with this kind of childlike faith.  We do not have to understand all the mysteries of the universe, it should be enough to know that God loves us and provides forgiveness for our sin.  This doesn't mean that we should be childish or immature, but we should trust God with a child's simplicity and receptivity.  As you begin your day, ask the Lord to give you an unwavering trust in Him that will continue until He has completed the 'Good Work' in you!
Your brother in Christ,

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