Thursday, November 11, 2010

God is continually working on each of us! Philippians 1:6

Hello everyone and good morning,
Do you realize that God, the One who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when He meets you face to face.  I think of it as a work in progress!  When we allow Him the opportunity to work completely on an area that is in need of repair, the Master Craftsman chips away at our selfishness.  Our thankfulness overrules our complaining! When we allow the Father to rule our lives, we enable Him to mold us into the Creation that He intended for us to be!  When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, Jesus jump started our battery (heart) so that we could show Him our appreciation for all that He has done!  Our human side falls back to those things that keep us from growing in Christ so it should be a constant reminder for us to run to Him for repair (forgiveness).  In the process (our lifetime), if we place our relationship with Jesus as our #1 priority, our Spiritual life will flourish.  What once was important will soon be of little or no interest.  Do you sometimes feel as though you are not making progress in your Spiritual walk?  If we are honest, even those closest to Him, feel that way at times.  The key is staying connected!  If God starts a project, He will not stop until He has completed it!  My good friend and dear brother Jeff Zak is a 'Living Example' of realizing that He needed Jesus right where he was!  He didn't feel as though he needed to wait until the time was right and put off the decision.  He woke up one day feeling trapped and overwhelmed and realized that life was not right and he asked for prayer and 'wham'!  In a blink of an eye his life changed and he is continuing to grow Spiritually day by day and God is smiling!  So no matter where you find yourself, let God chip away at your granite so that He can Create 'His Masterpiece'!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Paul. This blog really spoke to me. I have had this struggle for a long time now. I am the nurse from st joes who you shared your story with about meeting the love off your life, your wife. What a great story. I have had nothing but horrible things happen to me for nearly 3 years and I mean bad. I feel like God forgot me. I now see He didn't forget me but I forgot him. Thanks for adding me to these blogs they are so helpful and speaking to me.
    Rose Ella
