Saturday, May 14, 2011

Where does time fly? Philippians 4:7

Good morning everyone,
It seems as though I've not been able to catch my breath lately and so the long work days have disallowed me from doing the blog and for that I apologize for the absence.  It doesn't change the fact that my heart goes out to you daily and I think of you often!  Even though we are absent from each other, may the peace of God still be with you!  Philippians 4:7 says, 'And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.'  No matter what whirlwind is happening in your life or will happen, know that God can provide that peace that passes all understanding!  Hallelujah!  Instead of fighting a fight that you will never win, let God's peace take you through any trial that you come up against.  And then never forget to praise Him all along the way because remember that everything you face now is temporal in the race for eternity!  God Bless each of you and keep fighting the 'Good Fight!'
Your brother in Christ,

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