Friday, April 8, 2011

Obedience produces deep roots! Colossians 2:6-7

Good morning everyone,
Last night as I closed my eyes, I was thankful that it was time for rest!  Have you ever been so tired that you closed your eyes and you were out like a light!  Evidently the electricity went off and in the middle of the night (probably early morning) I rolled over and saw that it was 12:00 a.m.  I smiled because I thought to myself that I can still get 4 1/2 hours more of sleep before the alarm.  After tossing and turning later on I looked and the clock still read 12:00.  Gut feeling told me that it was much later than that.  It was and I overslept about an hour and fifteen minutes yet I still ended up on time for work.  The point of all this confusion is really about how God knows what you need and if a little extra sleep is it, then He will make it available and still keep you on course.  His ways far exceed anything we can comprehend even when it doesn't make sense to us.  Our obedience to Him is required so that our roots will grow down into Him and draw up norishment from Him (Colossians 2:6-7).  If we are faithful in the little things that we do, He will help us to grow in our faith and be strong and vigorous in the truth that we have been taught.  Paul ends by telling us to let our thanksgiving overflow for all He has done.  Go out today in Jesus name and show what the deep roots of God's Love is all about!!!!
Your brother in Christ,

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