Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Reaching the lost! 2 Corinthians 4:15

Good morning everyone,
It should be our job to never ever stop praying for the lost.  It isn't our job to judge whether people are worthy or unworthy.  That is the job of our Lord and Savior.  None of us are worthy if you really get down to the brass tax of things.  But God's grace is sufficient to cover all of our unworthiness and that gives hope to the hopeless.  At any given time, people are capable of seeing the void in their life that can only be filled by Jesus Christ.  As long as there have been people on earth, many have tried to put off the inevitable.  See, most people don't think that death is right around the corner.  Their thought is I've still got time before I need to make a commitment so in the meantime I'm going to be foot loose and fancy free.  Nudges are His way of saying, 'I want you in the family, are you listening yet?'  Ask God to give you a heart to be ready when people ask questions.  People are searching for answers and it just might be your answer that leads them in His direction.  Pray like you've never prayed before and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the boldness that is needed to encourage the lost.  How?  Well, one thought at a time because He is able to do far more than you can imagine and then it becomes His work and you are just the vessel that He uses to accomplish it!  2 Corinthians 4:15 says, 'All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.' 
Your brother in Christ,

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