Friday, January 28, 2011

Assurance is much more than for the now! Luke 21:14-19

Good morning everyone,
Luke 21:14-19 tells not to worry about how to answer the charges against us.  He will give us the right words and wisdom that none of our opponents will be able to reply!  Even the people closest to us---our parents, brothers, relatives, and friends---they will betray us.  And some of us will be killed.  And anyone who doesn't stand for the Lord will hate us because of our allegiance to Him.  But in the end not a hair of our head will perish!  By standing firm, we will win our souls.  Woo Hoo!  Jesus warned that in the coming persecutions His followers would be betrayed by their family members and friends.  Christians of every age have had to face this possibility.  It is reassuring to know that even when we feel completely abandoned, the Holy Spirit will stay with us.  He will comfort us, protect us, and give us the words we need.  This assurance can give us the courage and hope to stand firm for Christ no matter how difficult the situation.  My prayer for you today is for you to realize that you are part of the Masters plan and He wants you to know that when we do anything in His name, He will never leave us to do it on our own!  That is a promise that you can take to the bank!  Assurance that we can have an eternity with Him no matter what we encounter now is all the assurance we need!
Your brother in Christ,

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