Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friendships-Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 17:17

Hello and good morning to everyone,
       I've always been for the most part easy to get to know but friendships are something I've had a hard time developing.  For most of my life I've been what is called a 'fair weather' friend.  When times get tough and something pops up that makes me uncomfortable or something comes out that I just don't like about that person, I've run the other direction.  And you can't mix being a total partier during the week and clean up on Sunday in your best and expect God to be pleased.  Friendships should really be about accumulating friends over your lifetime that you can hold on to!  Who your friends are say much about you.  In Proverbs 13:20, we are told that whoever walks with the wise will become wise; whoever walks with fools will suffer harm.  Wow!  I've always liked folks who are the life of the party, but the problem is they seldom stick around after the party!  My choice of friends has definitely changed over the years.  The old phrase you can have your cake and eat it too is really a selfish idea because too much of a good thing is really a bad thing!!  I still like to be the life of the party but you know it is a different kind of party now!  My desire is to throw a party 365 days a year in honor of the One who has given me new life and that is Jesus Christ!  The friends he has sent me over the last 10 years are folks that I call  'the salt of the earth!'  I'm talking about you guys!  When my wife and I first got married, Deborah would ask me why I didn't stay in touch with my former friends!  The more I got to thinking about it, the more I realized the majority of the friendships I had over the 1st forty years of my life; they were those fair weather friends!  Great to be around but commitments were very shallow!  I want you to know that I cherish each and everyone of your friendships.  The Lord gave me a wife that sees through all the barriers that I try and put up and she has made me look at my real motives!  If my motives are about me, I'll disappoint 100% of the time.  If it is about others, I disappoint the people I love a lot less!  I've been reminded many times by you guys how to model being a friend.  When I've struggled, I had you hold my hand until I could stand on my own!   When I needed to cry, you've cryed with me!  When I've prayed, I seen the face of God smile down of each of you at different times.  When I lost my dad, I had your love to help me get through it!  When I've disappointed each of you, I've seen the face of God in how you've forgiven!  Thank you all for being in my family!  May we build on those friendships that are pleasing to Him! 
       Your brother in Christ,

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