Friday, December 30, 2011

Why does seeing others hurt effect you? James 5:19-20

Good morning everyone,
Unless you just put your head in the sand, it doesn't take long to look around to find someone who is having difficulties!  Those could be physical ailments, struggling financially, broken marriages, spiritually broke or a combination of things.  Folks, there are people right next to you that are struggling just to put one foot in front of another.  For them, life doesn't make much sense anymore.  For me, there are several examples that some of my dear friends are going through right now and it makes my heart ache!  I don't really have any answers for them except I can offer my time to them and pray with them.  Good people, but life altering things happening to them.  Sometimes, life becomes a bunch of things happening that we as individuals have a hard time putting a hold on to get it to slow  down.  I've often explained the analogy of the spin cycle on your washing machine and you are in it and the machine will not stop!  Has your life become a viscous cycle that you can't slow down?  If it has, then we need a prayer meeting and I offer my service up to you!  If you are hurting and you can't make sense of the chaos that you find yourself in, we need to take time to go see Jesus!  All along, we try and handle problems on our own because we feel as though Jesus is too busy doing other things.  I want to tell you right now; Jesus wants to know any and ever concern you have whether it be something really little or something monstrous.  See, Jesus is in the business of changing the way we deal with things because when we include Him, He takes over the problem!  Pray right now and don't put it off!  James 5:19-20 says, 'My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this:  Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.' 
Your brother in Christ,

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