Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To what degree do you trust Him? 2 John 1:6; Psalm 4:4-6

Good morning everyone,
Upon heading to work yesterday morning,  I saw a long line of people preparing to enter the homeless shelter.  After inquiring, I found that they were waiting to be fed.  My heart was made aware that they may get enough to satisfy them physically but are they getting enough to be fed Spiritually?  See, God cares just as much about them as He cares about you and I!  Those same people will leave the shelter after nourishment and go about their normal routine.  Some will pander, beg, or even steal for their next addiction.  They will ask folks for money, sell their body for money, or steal for money.  They are content with the situation they are in and then there are others who simply will do whatever it takes to secure a better future.  What 
exactly is a better future?  Is having the best of everything and not knowing your Savior a better future?  Some of those folks are helpless and simply feel like they are in a no win situation.  They can't do the ordinary things that you and I do that we take for granted.  They are mentally incapable.  Then there are others that are free loaders.  They like taking advantage of folks; they want to appear to want help but they choose to continue to stay in their mess.  See, when you see someone in need and your heart says help, consider that the Holy Spirit is directing you.  If it is someone taking advantage of a situation, turn it over to the Lord and let Him deal with that individual.  Don't let someone dictate you serving in the manor that is pleasing to Him!  Trust Him to show you individuals that genuinely need help.  Ask the Father to show you how to help.  Your trust equals His provisions when there is 'no way!'  2 John 1:6 says, 'And this is love:  that we walk in obedience to His commands.  As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love.'  Psalm 4:4-6 tells us not to sin, to search our hearts and be quiet, to trust Him and then let the light of His face shine on us!  Brothers and sisters, let me encourage you to share these verses with whomever you run across because even the least of these are important to Him!   
Your brother in Christ,

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